Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Birthday in Quarantine

My birthday was yesterday, and I can unequivocally say it was the most boring birthday EVER. This is especially so compared to last year when I went to Las Vegas with my sister and had a day full of parties at home a few days after that (and two years ago I was traveling in South Carolina with my mom).
Yes, I turned 31 and still insisted on wearing a tiara, my "birthday girl" pin, and a unicorn sweatshirt.
 But my birthday is my favorite holiday, so I wasn't going to let it pass by without some sort of celebration. My parents did buy me some gifts, so I opened my presents over a pancake breakfast. 

My gifts included a NYC-themed toiletry bag, a set of unicorn magnets, and a mini emery board (with llamas!)
I did appreciate the random birthday emails I received from the Junior League of Washington, Fitzgerald Hyundai Rockville, and Bank of America. And it was fun to see which of my friends actually remembered my birthday without having to be reminded by Facebook (I don't have one!), or LinkedIn (where I only received birthday wishes from people I haven't spoken to in years or people I don't know). More people knew my birthday than I thought!

Cool story bro GIF on GIFER - by Yggmand

After the mail arrived, I received some more birthday cards and presents from my aunt:

Are you seeing a theme here?

 That night we enjoyed Moet champagne and Funfetti cupcakes, which was the highlight of my day. Food is an important part of any celebration!

Cards from family and friends
Okay, so my birthday really wasn't that bad (I've changed my mind since the beginning of this post.). Plus, I realize that during these scary, uncertain times, I need to remember the true blessings I have, birthday or not: my family, my health, a roof over my head, food in my belly, electricity, literacy...the list goes on and on. I am very blessed, and am looking forward to my 31st year of life!

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