Thursday, May 30, 2013


I just realized that I have never blogged about how much I love Twitter! I deleted my Facebook account after I graduated from college (time to move on and grow up!), but I missed sharing my thoughts, ideas, and photos online. Twitter to the rescue! It's so easy to use, as long as you can be concise enough to fit your message into 140 characters. That takes practice, but after a while you get the hang of it and become used to being short 'n' sweet! I also really like the "re-tweet" action. I read so many tweets that are funny or political or trendy that I wish I had written; by re-tweeting it, I can show that 1. I support the message and 2. I want to share it with my followers. And of course I mainly look at tweets that include photos; I can't help but click that little photo icon! I don't miss Facebook at all since Twitter has all of the same things I loved about the former: sharing your status, "liking" others' messages, and looking at photos.

I love how fast Twitter is! Not only are the messages short, but my feed is always changing, so I can tweet once every minute and still know that most people aren't seeing all of my tweets. There's no way to overwhelm the news feed because there's so much turn-over. And since it's in real-time, I enjoy live-tweeting, whether I'm at a concert, other event, or watching a TV show (ahem, "Ready for Love"). Then other people who are doing the same thing at that same time can share the experience with me!

Plus, shorter messages means less reading.  Read your Facebook post is like homework!

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