Friday, March 15, 2013

DC Environmental Film Festival

Okay, so this is kind of a plug for work. But it's not entirely! Yes, we're involved with three of the events this year (one of them was tonight with the artist James Prosek). However, I would encourage anyone in the DC metro area to go to at least one of the films featured in this film festival. There are so many different topics, from rivers to sustainable agriculture to kids' movies on animals. While of course I will attend the events for work, I also plan on seeing two on my own (both in one day, actually). This is another way I'm culturing myself, but in something specific that I'm interested in and know a bit about (rather than going to see the ballet, which I enjoy but from a very superficial level). See if there are any film festival near you, either pertaining to environmental issues, or perhaps on another topic you may be passionate about. Certainly a fun form of education (and socialization if you go with friends!).

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