Sunday, March 10, 2013


My favorite season is spring, and no, it's not just because my birthday's in April. I just love that first day when you know the switch has been made between winter and spring, even if it's not the "official" first day of spring. You can just tell. And today was that day! Here's how I knew:

1. The weather was GORGEOUS! Sunny, high in the low 60's, no wind besides a light breeze...And to think a lot of us in DC got a day off last week due to snow!

2. I got to wear a mini dress and sandals! Granted, having spent four years of my life in New Hampshire, I'll put on a dress once it hits 50 degrees. But today I looked out the window and just knew I could wear my gladiator sandals for the first time in 2013. I wore a little cardigan over my sleeveless dress to be safe, but I was loving my spring wardrobe debut!

3. I drove with my window down. I love doing this on a warm, sunny day. It just makes me happy to roll down the window and crank up my tunes as I'm driving. I guess this is the closest I'm going to get to feeling like I'm driving a convertible...

4. Daffodils. They are one of the first flowers to bloom in spring (right there with the crocuses). They are such a pretty flower, and whenever I see them I can't help but smile. They're nature's way of saying that more sunny days are on the way!

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